I Have Called you Friends.

This contemporary icon, by local artist and friend, Joy Banks, was a focus piece for The Gathering, two weeks ago.

An icon is a window through which we can see God, a window into prayer.

Using the ancient Coptic icon, "Jesus the Friend," as inspiration, Joy has produced a new icon reflecting Jesus' words to his disciples in John 15:15, "I have called you friends."

Among other shifts from the ancient icon, Joy has added a second disciple—a woman. The scrolls in the disciples' hands represent their authority to teach.

I love this piece, and it draws me to prayer. As one pastor friend reflected to me, friendship with Jesus is something to seek after, something to aspire to, rather than our daily experience.

You might consider ordering an original from Joy Bank's website!

Click here to find prints of this piece and others from her site

Mark Glanville