Summer Course: Worship in Polyrhythm

Join my intensive course on worship during the final week in May!

Learn song writing, with Brian Doerksen.

Learn to nourish intercultural worship, with Vania Levans.

Learn to lead a band with . . . well . . . me.

This course provides a framework for preparing and leading worship by exploring the biblical and historical foundations of Christian worship.

In music, “polyrhythms” involve multiple, different rhythms that are played at the same time. Polyrhythmic music is complex, requires attention and focus, and playfully reframes our expectations. This course explores the idea that Christian worship can also be understood, metaphorically, as a kind of polyrhythm: the layering of multiple stories (personal, communal, local, denominational, historical, Biblical, calendrical, intercultural) that form the music of our spiritual lives, if you will. When we plan, lead, and think about worship “polyrhythmically,” we can deepen our attention to complex possibilities while opening up space for playful experimentation.

You can even take the course from another country, via Zoom. Find out more and learn how to register here!